1st Century in Over 30+ Years
October 9th is a day to remember for multiple reasons, two brother sent off on a 24 hour adventure Brothers Ride 24 to raise funds and awareness for Veteran Suicide and Alzheimer's disease. Leading up to the ride Steve Feehery was very indecisive, he didn't know if he was going to ride for a bit or just drive support for the two brothers. The morning of Steve decided to hop on the bike and take him to about the 85 mile mark were there was a stop at the Pasimet Bike Shop. At this point it was the longest ride he has done for quite some time. He figured why not lets keep going there is not much room in the car for me. After a much needed coffee he was ready to roll. As the miles ticked down to 100. He mentioned to Monk and Shane this is the longest ride I've done in quite some time. So they asked well how long has it been since you've done a century? After thinking for a bit he replied its been over 30 years. Definitely before you two chuckle heads have been around that for sure. The boys were astonished! Over 30 years to go from not wanting to ride to riding 100 mile with no training was truly amazing! What an accomplishment When all said and done the man road 105 miles total with the boys.
CHAPEAU to our President Steve Feehery!